Measures of state support of the Murmansk region


 from RUB  10

Project duration – 5 years
Property tax – 0%*
Project duration– 3 years
Property tax – 0%
Creation of a new business or development of new production 90% of the investor's income is generated by implementation of the project
Project duration – 3/5 years
Profit tax – 10%
Property tax – 0%
LARGE SCALE INVESTMENT PROJECT Strategic or priority investment project Project duration –  3/5 years
Property tax – 0%

* 0% for 10 years with capital investments in excess of 150 billion rubles

Investors who carry out strategic, priority and large-scale projects are granted the right to conclude land leases without competitive bidding



Procedure for review of investment projects applying for state support measures


Submission of an application and a package of documents to the authorized body

1 working day

Review of documents by the authorized body

7 working days

Project examined by the interdepartmental commission or the investment council

5 working days

Investment council reviewfor strategic projects

4 working days

Preparation of the resolution of the Government of the Murmansk region on specific measures of state support and conclusion of the agreement

10 working days

Preparation and approval of the agreement with the investor and the executive body

20 working days

Signing the agreement by the investor and sending to the authorized body

within 15 working days from the date of receipt

Entering into the register of investment projects of the Murmansk region

5 working days



Submission of the application



Required documents

  1. Extract from the Unified State Registry of Legal Entities or a notarized copy of such extract.
  2. Copies of constituent documents, a copy of the order (decision) on appointment (election) of the head of a legal entity.
  3. Basic information about the investment project in the approved form.
  4. Business plan of the investment project, prepared in accordance with the approved recommendations.
  5. Certificate on fulfillment by the taxpayer of obligations to pay taxes, insurance premiums, overdue interests and tax fines
  6. Certificate of no arrears in payments to extra-budgetary funds.
  7. Copies of documents confirming ownership or lease rights to real estate and/or land on the territory of which the investment project is being carried out or will be carried out (if they are available at the time of application).
  8. A copy of the investor's professional activity license (if the investment project is carried out in the field of licensed activities).
  9. Copies of technical, technological and environmental experts’ opinions on the project or its separate parts in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  10. A copy of the financial statements of the investor for the last fiscal year (not submitted by newly created legal entity).


The investor applying for conclusion of a lease contract of non-delimited land plot(s) owned by the Murmansk region, the municipality and land plot(s) owned by the state, without competetive bidding, shall additionally provide the following documents:

  • Cadastral passport of the land plot or the approved scheme of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory in case the requested land plot must be formed and there is no project for surveying the territory within the boundaries of which such a land plot is to be formed.
  • Information from the municipality of the Murmansk region on the conformity of the facility to be built to the municipality’s territorial planning and urban zoning documents.