The full copyright holder of all content published on the website, with the exception of cases specifically defined below, owned by the Government of the region.

The exceptions are cases of direct reprints on our website information of third parties in respect of which belongs to Government only the right of publication. All such exceptions are explicitly stated in the texts to which they relate.

All exclusive rights to the information and materials presented by our partners, as there is a special instruction when placing materials belong to their respective partners. For all the use these materials must contact them directly.

All material copyright of the government of the region, can be reproduced in any media servers on the Internet or on any other media without any restrictions on volume and time of publication. This permission applies equally to Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV channels, sites and pages on the Internet. The only condition of reprinting and rebroadcasting is a reference to the source. By copying and retransmission on the Internet hyperlink is obligatory.