A building permit is a document confirming compliance of design documentation with the requirements of the urban plan of the land or the project planning area and project surveying the territory (in the case of building, reconstruction of linear objects) and giving the developer the right to exercise construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects.
* From the date of receipt to the Administration of the municipality of applications for the issuance of a building permit with documents attached.
** Engaged in the construction or reconstruction of object of capital construction located on the territory of municipal formation the city of Murmansk.
Required documents
- The application for issuance of a building permit.
- Title documents to land plot, including the agreement on the establishment of an easement, the decision of establishing a public easement.
- Obtain development plan of land plot, issued not earlier than three years prior to the date of submission of application to obtain a construction permit.
- The materials contained in the project documentation.
- A positive conclusion examination of design documentation of object of capital construction, if such project documentation is subject to examination in accordance with article 49 of the Urban planning code of the Russian Federation, the positive conclusion of state examination of project documentation in cases stipulated by part 3.4 of article 49 of the Urban planning code of the Russian Federation, the positive conclusion of state ecological expertise of design documentation in the cases stipulated by part 6 of article 49 of the Urban development code of the Russian Federation.
- Permission for deviation from the limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction (if the developer was granted such a permit in accordance with article 40 of the town planning code of the Russian Federation).
- The consent of all owners of capital construction object in case of reconstruction of such object, except in cases of reconstruction of an apartment building.
- The agreement on the reconstruction of specifying, in the case of reconstruction of the state (municipal) customer.
- A copy of the accreditation certificate of the legal entity that issued the positive conclusion of non-state expertise of project documentation, if provided with the conclusion of non-state expertise of project documentation.
- The documents provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on cultural heritage objects, in case when carrying out works on preservation of object of a cultural heritage affected by the structural and other characteristics of reliability and safety of such a facility.
- A copy of the decision on establishment or change of zones with special conditions of use of the territory in case of construction of a capital construction object, in connection with the arrangement, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation shall establish the zone with special conditions of use of the territory, or in the case of reconstruction of object of capital construction, which in relation to the reconstructed facility shall be subject to the establishment of the zone with special conditions of use of the territory, or a previously set area with special conditions of use site is subject to change.
Methods of obtaining service