Council on improvement of investment climate in the Murmansk region is a permanent public Advisory body designed to promote the growth of investment activity of subjects of investment activity, creation of favorable conditions for development of competition in markets of goods, works, services and attracting investment into the economy of the Murmansk region.

To the objectives of the Council on improving the investment climate in Murmansk region are:

  • Improving the investment climate in the region.
  • Assisting in the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Murmansk region, including projects implemented on a public-private partnership.
  • Assistance in creation of favorable conditions for the development of competition between economic agents in markets of goods, works, services on the territory of Murmansk region.
  • Assistance in PPP development, the simplification of access to instruments of PPP, as well as improving the legislation governing their functioning.


The minutes of the meetings of the Council on improving investment climate



Reports for 2013


Protocols for 2014


Protocols for 2015


Protocols for 2016


Protocols for 2019


Protocols for 2020


Protocols for 2021


Protocols for 2022