The 12th International Conference "Logistics in the Arctic: New Challenges and Opportunities" will be held on November 16, 2022 in Murmansk. The conference will be held in a hybrid format.
The organizer of the conference is the Association of Contractors "Murmanshelf" with the support of the Government of the Murmansk region and relevant Ministries.
The conference program includes a plenary session, round tables, a contact exchange. The key topics of the conference are the Northern Sea Route and the development of logistics infrastructure, ports and coastal infrastructure, services for maritime logistics, routing in the conditions of a new normality.
Main topics for discussion:
- The Arctic shelf of Russia: the current state, problems and prospects for the development of oil and gas resources, the implementation of state exploration programs in the Arctic;
- Import substitution in the oil and gas industry, technological support of offshore oil and gas projects;
- Environmental and industrial safety in the development of hydrocarbon resources of the continental shelf, the development of alternative energy, international cooperation in the elimination of emergency oil spills in the Arctic;
- Development of the northern regions in the development of deposits of the continental shelf of the Arctic Seas of Russia;
- Staffing of the economy of the Arctic regions.
Traditionally, the conference is attended by more than 120 companies of the oil and gas sector specializing in the exploration, production and processing of hydrocarbons, suppliers of the oil and gas industry, research institutes, educational institutions, legislative and executive authorities.
To participate in the conference "Logistics in the Arctic: New challenges and opportunities", you must fill out the registration form and send it by fax: +7 (8152) 45-41-07 or by e-mail info@murmanshelf.ru .
Online registration is open, you need to fill out the registration form at the link.
Additional information by phone +7 (8152) 45-19-04 and on the website http://www.murmanshelf-conf.ru/