RAO/CIS Offshore is a unique international cross–industry platform that brings together government representatives, global business leaders, and recognized industry experts for an open dialogue on the most pressing issues of Arctic and continental shelf exploration.
The Forum is being held on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2025, for the first time, it became part of the events of the largest industry congress and exhibition event, the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.
Organizers: The Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gazprom PJSC, Kurchatov Institute Research Center, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, RESTEK Exhibition Association with the support of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union.
During the Forum, participants will discuss the prospects for developing the resource base of the Arctic continental shelf, the development of offshore oil and gas fields, the creation of new equipment and technologies for the development of hydrocarbon resources on the continental shelf, emergency rescue operations during the development of hydrocarbon deposits on the Russian shelf, the creation of energy infrastructure for the Arctic, as well as issues of ensuring industrial and environmental safety in the Arctic, the creation of digital technologies for the Arctic and the need to create and develop a digital IT infrastructure.
The RAO/CIS Offshore Forum has been held since 1993. Over the years, the Forum has become the best domestic platform for discussing the development of oil and gas resources in the Arctic and the continental shelf.
Detailed information about the Forum can be found on the official website of the event. https://rao-offshore.ru/.