From 24 to 27 October 2022 in The World Energy Congress will be held in St. Petersburg.
The World Energy Congress is the main global event of the World Energy Council and an authoritative platform for discussing all aspects of the international energy agenda. As the world's leading energy forum, the Congress provides participants with a unique opportunity to better understand energy problems and ways to solve them on a global scale: from determining the future of energy policy to successfully switching to new energy sources on a global scale.
The Congress of the World Energy Council gathers strategists from all over the world, who once every 3 years can gather in one point of the globe and hold bilateral meetings with the top officials of the world's largest energy companies, international leaders of the energy sector, heads of ministries and departments, experts and scientists, heads of public and intergovernmental organizations, representatives of the business community and the world's media from more than 150 countries, discuss the most important events in the energy sector.
The theme of the 25th World Energy Congress is "Energy for Humanity".
Congress in St. Petersburg and related events will be dedicated to exploring practical tools and realistic approaches to preserving the openness of energy in the future for new and better opportunities that are crucial to ensuring a sustainable future for all.
The Congress will be preceded by a two—year series of intensive virtual events "On the way to the Congress" dedicated to the disclosure of the theme "Energy - humanity".
Registration is open by the link: https://worldenergycongressrussia.org/attendees/attendees-terms/
Saint Petersburg, Russia +7 (495) 640 4440