In accordance with the instructions of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Belousov, the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, together with leading business associations, industry associations and unions, is working to introduce self-control and self-organization mechanisms in business activities during the spread of coronavirus infection.
The main idea of self-control and self-organization is that entrepreneurs with increased social responsibility take on additional obligations aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus:
* take measures to transfer the maximum possible part of business processes to online mode, and employees to remote work format;
• for employees who are not transferred to a remote work format, take personal protection measures at the workplace;
• conduct regular testing of at least 10% of employees for the presence of coronavirus infection;
* take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when interacting with clients;
* strictly monitor compliance with the requirements and conduct continuous monitoring of the sanitary and epidemiological situation;
* place sanitizers or similar disinfectants at the entrance to the points of delivery of orders or in the store;
* and so on.
Business associations act as the Central link, which are both coordinators and controllers of all processes.
The Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation has organized a working platform for the exchange of experience, where representatives of business associations exchange best practices. In the work participate representatives of the Ministry of industry and trade, Russian Ministry of sports, Ministry of culture of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal tourism Agency.
Business associations are already implementing self-organization and self-control measures – declarations/charters, special signs (brands), hotlines for consumers, information resources for entrepreneurs, etc.
Based on the results of the site's work, the Ministry of economic development of Russia prepared a collection of best practices for self-monitoring and self-organization of business associations.
We invite everyone to read this material.