On May 25, the My Business Center will launch a training program for young entrepreneurs of the Murmansk region "YOUR BUSINESS. Start your business."
The training will last three weeks in a mixed format. Each participant will take a course on starting a business, consisting of 16 hours. Federal speakers will be involved in the project. One of the goals of this program will be to assist in the preparation of applications of young entrepreneurs for a grant competition in the amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles for the development of their own entrepreneurial ideas.
The program is designed for people under 25 who want to open their own business or develop an existing project.
Participation is free, registration by link.
The program is organized by the Center "My Business", the regional Center for Entrepreneurship Support in cooperation with the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region and is implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".
You can ask questions about participation in the program by e-mail: project@msp-accelerator.ru.
/ Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region /