The action plan in connection with the chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Council in 2021-2023, approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M.V. Mishustin, provides for a Conference on Bioresources and Fisheries in the Arctic.
The Federal Agency for Fisheries, together with the administrations of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, is the organizer of the Conference, which is scheduled to be held in Arkhangelsk on May 10-12, 2023.
Participation in the Conference provides an excellent opportunity to develop cooperation between the Arctic States and coordinate their actions in the interests of ensuring sustainable development of the region and the indigenous peoples of the North.
The business program of the Conference provides for the plenary session "Aquatic biological resources. Fishing and conservation of stocks in the Arctic".
It is also planned to hold round tables:
"Research and development of Arctic aquatic bioresources: realities and prospects";
"Infrastructure of the fishery complex of the Northern Basin";
"New personnel for the Arctic region";
"State of stocks, fishing and regulation of fishing of anadromous fish species in the Arctic zone";
"Regulation of the marine mammal population";
"Monitoring and conservation of ecosystems of the Arctic region";
"Traditional types of marine fishing in the Arctic and their regulation".
Representatives of federal executive authorities, scientific organizations, including foreign countries, and the industry business community are expected to participate in the business program of the Conference.
The Conference program can be found on the website www.ryba29.ru.