Investment forum in the framework of the XII Russian business Week

Investment forum in the framework of the XII Russian business Week

Investment forum is held in the framework of the XII Russian business Week (UXO) – a key event of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs, which are discussed and proposals are being formulated for important areas of interaction between the state and business.

Main participants of NRB are the first persons of the state and the leaders of the Russian market. In the framework of the Investment forum will address key areas and tools to increase investment activity in the country, regulatory issues, PPPs and concessions.

Due to the large number of issues discussed at the Forum in 2020 Investment forum will be held in two formats: on July 21 in the format of video conferencing on the platform and on October 13 in face-to-face format at the hotel.

The moderator of the event — Vice-President RSPP, Chairman of the Committee on investment policy, institutions of development and export support Igor Vdovin.

Podrobnuyu more information is available on the website