The collection of ideas for the third forum "Strong ideas for the new time" has been opened. This was announced at a meeting of the Organizing Committee of the Forum, which was held in Moscow under the chairmanship of Assistant to the President of Russia Maxim Oreshkin.
The event is organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Roscongress Foundation. The main purpose of the Forum is to identify and support the implementation of initiatives and projects that will make a significant contribution to strengthening Russia's sovereignty and achieving national goals. In accordance with the Decree President of the Russian Federation The Forum is held annually.
"Starting today, together with the Roscongress Foundation, we are opening the idea crowd platform.roscongress.The Russian Federation, where citizens have the opportunity to add and present their ideas and projects in the proposed nominations," said Svetlana Chupsheva, Director General of the ASI, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum.
The collection of ideas will be carried out in 6 directions: national social initiative, national technological initiative, national personnel initiative, national environmental initiative, entrepreneurship, digital services. Applications will be accepted until April 26, 2023.
"The dates of the full-time part of the Forum are determined on June 28-29, 2023. All the events of the Forum will be held on June 28, and a plenary session will be held on June 29. The starting point of the online stage of the Forum will be today. As for working with the heritage of the Forum and initiatives that come from citizens, we offer to support them not only during the active period of the Forum, but also after its end. Taking into account the annual nature of the event, the process will become continuous, and we will use these materials in further work," said Anton Kobyakov, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the Forum Organizing Committee.
At the initial stage, the evaluation of ideas on the crowd platform will be handled by a broad expert community of ASI, whose task will be to select the top 1000 ideas. Next, the ASI Expert Council will select the top 200 ideas, and by the end of May, the chairman and the bureau of the ASI expert council will determine the top 100 ideas. The top 10 initiatives based on the results of the selection will be presented to the President of Russia as part of the face-to-face part of the Forum. Also, the authors of the ideas included in the top lists will have the opportunity to present their projects at events held by the Roscongress Foundation during the year.
In addition, at the meeting of the Organizing Committee, the issues of the establishment of the Russian brands award were considered. This proposal was announced by the President of Russia during a meeting of the ASI Supervisory Board. The award will be awarded to the best domestic brands that are able to replace and successfully replace temporarily vacant market niches.
Recall that the first forum "Strong ideas for a new time" was held in November 2020, the second forum – in July 2022. Over three years, more than 300 thousand people from 85 regions have registered on the crowd platform, 35 thousand ideas have been published. The authors of the top ideas received invitations to the face-to-face part of the 2020 and 2022 forums. 20 ideas with maximum potential for society and the economy were presented by the authors personally to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
Now ASI and the Roscongress Foundation support ideas through a partner network – federal and regional authorities, development institutions, businesses and NGOs, that is, organizations that are interested in implementing projects and initiatives. Authors of ideas and initiatives are assisted in eliminating administrative barriers, finding funding and promoting at the international level. Regional management teams also work with projects.
Official website of the Forum: ideas-forum.ru