The Fourth International Industrial Exhibition "EXPO-RUSSIA UZBEKISTAN 2021" and the Tashkent Business Forum will be held from 21 to 23 April 2021 in Tashkent.
The organizer of the exhibition on the Russian side is Zarubezh-Expo JSC, on the Uzbek side-the TPP of Uzbekistan. The support of the state Duma and the Federation Council, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Center for "development Strategy" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of foreign Affairs, the Ministry of industry and trade, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of energy, Ministry of health, Ministry of agriculture of Russia, the Russian export centre, CCI, MAFM, sectoral ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Thematic sections of the exhibition: energy, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, aviation and railway transport, construction, agriculture and food, oil and gas and chemical industry, medicine and pharmaceuticals, banking, telecommunications, education and science.
The conference "Cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan in the digital economy", the exchange of contacts, round tables on the main branches of Russian-Uzbek cooperation with the participation of business circles of Central Asia are planned.
For more detailed information about the event can be found on www.zarubezhexpo.ru.