The XVII TRANSTEC International Forum and Exhibition on the development of transport corridors and logistics infrastructure will be held from November 29 to December 1, 2022 at the Expoforum Exhibition Center.
TRANSTEC has been held in St. Petersburg since 1994. The co-organizer of the exhibition-forum is the ANO "Directorate of International Transport Corridors" (ANO "DMTC"). The Ministry of Transport of Russia provides official support.
The purpose of the forum is to promote the creation of a modern and highly efficient transport system in Russia in accordance with the challenges of the modern economy and the needs of the industry in the development of domestic cargo transportation, optimization of logistics business processes, as well as improving the competitiveness of the Russian Federation and Russian business in international cargo transit.
The TRANSTEC Forum is a unique public G2B and B2B platform and provides an opportunity to comprehensively discuss trends and problems in the field of transport and logistics activities and cargo transportation with representatives of all relevant federal ministries and departments, as well as get an idea of the opening opportunities for access to new markets.
The main directions of the project:
- Logistics under constraints: solutions and prospects;
- International transport corridors. Alternative routes under regulatory conditions.
With the support of the Government of St. Petersburg, the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation, Rosmorrechflot, the International Coordinating Council for Trans-Eurasian Transportation, the Association of Sea Trade Ports, the Admiral S.O. Makarov State University of the Sea and River Fleet, the Russian Road Research Institute.
More than 10 round tables and sessions are planned as part of the TRANSTEC Business Program. A rich business program will provide transport industry professionals with opportunities to exchange experiences, strengthen personal contacts and discuss issues of interest.
The participants of the business program form proposals for improving the regulatory framework and coordination of transport policy, hold presentations of ongoing and planned federal and regional investment projects for new construction and modernization, demonstrate a wide range of modern materials, equipment, technologies and services that provide a full cycle of design, construction, modernization, repair, equipment and maintenance of transport infrastructure corridors. Business negotiations of the participants with the signing of partnership agreements are also planned within the framework of the forum.
Directions of the business program:
- Trends in the development of the transport potential of the Russian Federation in connection with changes in international cargo flows;
- Implementation of federal and regional programs for the development of transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation;
- Competitiveness of transport corridors - factors of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation;
- Interfacing projects and increasing the capacity of the logistics chain;
- Development of a network of supporting transport and logistics centers;
- Improving the efficiency and efficiency of checkpoints;
- Increasing the level of containerization of transported goods;
- Development of infrastructure and technologies of the NCC.
The exhibition exposition is represented by companies providing services for the transportation of goods by various modes of transport. The exhibition demonstrates forwarding services, cargo handling in ports and terminals, container handling equipment infrastructure, process automation services, IT solutions, maintenance and security.
Directions of the exhibition exposition:
- Ports and suppliers of port equipment;
- Railway operators, components for the railway;
- Terminal and warehouse complexes;
- Container transportation infrastructure;
- Security, management and communication systems;
- Elevator equipment and storage systems;
- Warehouses and cargo handling centers;
- Innovative freight transport and rolling stock;
- Cargo owners;
- Transport and logistics companies, operators.
The Eurasian Convention on the Development of NHC Infrastructure - NHC Inter Cool Eurasia 2022 will be held jointly with the international forum-exhibition TRANSTEC 2022. A unique event dedicated to the development of continuous refrigeration chain infrastructure (HCC). Combining industry projects will allow a broader consideration of transportation and storage issues, trends in the development of transit and transport potential of Russia, the specifics of international transportation, and, in particular, to choose the best solutions for optimizing processes and the overall structure of the NCC.
Dear participants!
We invite you to participate and book exhibition spaces.
Contacts for communication: my.barova@nevainter.com , info@nevainter.com, +7 (812) 321-26-76, +7 (812) 321-28-17