XII The Arctic International Forum: The Present And the Future will be held on December 8-9, 2022, St. Petersburg.
The main task of the XII International Forum "The Arctic: Present and Future" is to unite efforts to ensure a sustainable future in a period of global geopolitical and economic changes.
The development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is a strategic priority of the state and a guarantee of the well-being of our country. In the new conditions, synchronization of efforts and strengthening of the dialogue of participants in Arctic activities, including within the framework of Russia's chairmanship in the Arctic Council, is of paramount importance for solving the tasks set.
Traditionally, the Forum gathers more than 2000 participants. During the two-day business program, representatives of government authorities, heads of major Russian companies and banks, leading experts of the scientific community, the media and civil society will discuss comprehensive and strategic solutions for the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone and develop tactical steps for their implementation, present domestic projects in the Arctic, assess the investment potential and opportunities of the northern regions.
The organizer of the Forum is NGO "Association of Polar Explorers". The Organizing Committee is headed by the President of the Association, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, State Duma Deputy A.N. Chilingarov.
The business program of the XII International Forum "The Arctic: Present and Future" is formed in accordance with the conditions of the new international and economic reality.The program will be structured in such a way that answers to the fundamental questions of the modern development of the Arctic can be found on each discussion platform.
All information about the preparation of the forum, contacts of the coordinators are posted on the website https://www.forumarctic.com/conf2022/