In addition to the main register of sites available to investors, a new section "Property for SMEs" has appeared on the Investment Portal of the Murmansk Region with a list of premises and land plots offered for involvement in entrepreneurial activity.
The section includes free sites from the List of state property of the Murmansk Region, intended to be provided for possession or use on a long-term basis, including at preferential rates to entrepreneurs, as well as self-employed citizens.
The convenience of the new service lies in the fact that entrepreneurs can, together with information about a specific object and its rightholder, immediately view the location of objects on the Investment Map of the Murmansk region.
The register includes premises and land plots that are located not only in the regional center, but also in municipalities.
For example, in the city of Polar Dawns, entrepreneurs are now invited to consider premises with an area of 70 square meters on the territory of the energy college.
If an entrepreneur carries out socially significant or priority activities, he has the right to apply for premises without bidding at a reduced rental rate. You can apply for the selection of support measures and sites, as well as offer your investment project through the Direct Appeals Line of the Investment Portal.
/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation together with the Ministry of Property Relations /