Andrey Chibis held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Russian Federation Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares. The parties discussed areas of cooperation and development of partnership relations.
In his welcoming speech, Andrey Chibis noted that Russia and Brazil have long-standing partnership and friendly ties. And now is a favorable time when the Kola Arctic and Brazil can create strong cooperation.
"I am sincerely glad to welcome you to the Murmansk Region. If we consider the issue of our cooperation, I would like to note that our region has great potential for development in various spheres. For example, in terms of technological exchange, scientific activity. There is an institute for the study of biological resources, which can become a reference point in our scientific partnership. I also propose to consider cooperation in higher education," the head of the region said.
Note that 80% of Brazil's oil is produced offshore. For the region, the development of the shelf is one of the most important, since the basis for offshore projects is largely Murmansk.
In the structure of Russian exports to Brazil, the main share of supplies falls on fertilizers, which provide a third of the Brazilian demand for imports of these products. To date, Brazil is the largest importer of Russian fertilizers, accounting for more than a quarter of all fertilizer exports from Russia. This significant economic fact is directly related to the Murmansk region, since the raw materials for the production of fertilizers are extracted on the territory of the region.
Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, in turn, thanked the governor for the reception and noted that Brazil shares views on joint development in many areas. Developing the topic of the economic potential of the Murmansk region, the Ambassador noted that favorable conditions for investors have been created in the region, as well as the energy sector has been developed.
"I was very impressed by the presentation of the regional potential. Interesting information about mining, transport. Of course, we are primarily interested in trade and investment. I see that you have good energy opportunities to implement various projects. Special conditions have also been created for investors, this is very important. I believe that the Murmansk Region has excellent potential for further development," the Ambassador said.
In addition, the Brazilian side of the dialogue noted a great interest in the Arctic and is considering becoming an observer country in the Arctic Council.
As the governor noted, given the long-term experience of cooperation between the two countries, this can give quite a useful result.
The parties agreed on promising work with companies from Brazil and the Murmansk region to identify additional points of industrial development.
"Brazil is famous for its agriculture. However, large-scale production facilities operate on the territory of the country, in terms of high-tech culture. Our task is to find a common vector of development of companies that will give a wide area of industrial growth," said Andrey Chibis.
At the end of the negotiations, Andrey Chibis thanked the guest for the visit and invited him to the anniversary birthday of the Murmansk region, which will be held at the end of May.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /