The fourth educational module within the framework of the School of Investment Commissioners has been completed in Murmansk. During the training, the heads of the National Association of Investment and Development Agencies (NAAIR) told the main trends in working with investors in Russian municipalities, and also conducted their new training in the form of an investment process simulation based on the best practices of more than 70 regions of the country specifically for the Murmansk region.
Investment officers from all over the region were trained: more than 30 specialists, including heads of administrations combining the functions of investment officers. In addition, specialists from regional development institutes took part in the educational module: Development corporations of the Murmansk region, "KRDV Murmansk", the Center "My Business", as well as employees of the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy responsible for the development of investment policy in the region.
"We decided to hold the fourth module in the form of a business game recreating investment processes in the region so that the investment authorities better understand what steps are needed in the implementation of various projects. The participants of the training analyzed what an investor needs in order to ultimately make a positive decision. Upon graduation, the task of the investment officers is to build work in their team in such a way as to create a comfortable environment for investors in municipalities," said Artem Kuksa, Acting Director General of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation JSC.
Recall that investment officers have been working in municipalities and authorities of the Murmansk region since 2021. In two years, they have proven their effectiveness: their activities contribute to reducing the time for consideration of entrepreneurial initiatives and speeding up decision-making on issues arising during the implementation of projects. During the previous educational modules, the participants examined support measures and mechanisms for infrastructure development, exchanged experiences with other regions, and also developed joint solutions that contribute to improving teamwork.
The current module is entirely devoted to the acquisition of practical knowledge. The investment officers got acquainted with the main trends in working with investors in Russian regions and municipalities, reviewed current strategies. The key task of the training was the modeling of work aimed at attracting and supporting investors. The investment officers had an opportunity to hone their skills during the business game "NAIR.Game». The training is based on the best practices of more than 70 regional investment teams.
"The Murmansk Region is the second region where we present a business game. The basis for its creation is, in fact, the whole country. In particular, we used the successful practices of the leaders of the National Rating of the investment climate. The training is a simulation: from the choice of an interaction strategy to support at the final stage. As the participants of the pilot game noted, modeling real situations during the gameplay helps specialists make the right decisions when working with investors," said Rafael Husyainshin, the training teacher, executive director of NAAIR.
It is worth noting that the Murmansk Region annually demonstrates an improvement in its positions in the National Rating of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2022, the region entered the group of regions that took the 16th place.
/ Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region /