As part of the state support for the development of roadside services in the Murmansk Region in 2021, several projects received a targeted subsidy from the regional Tourism Committee. The Committee's employees visited the Kola district and the Pechenga district, where they visited the newly opened roadside service facilities.
A new cafe in the locality of Staraya Titovka is located on the way from Nickel and Zapolyarnoye to Murmansk. This place is very popular, but the infrastructure itself required a radical upgrade. Now a modern and spacious building has appeared here. The cafe's assortment offers a wide selection of dishes and drinks. A modular gas station will soon start operating. And in the future plans of Alexander Shlips, director of Severok LLC, implementing this project – the construction of a new motel, the provision of services for reindeer riding and mini-snowmobiles. According to Alexander, this will make the Old Titovka attractive not only for tourists, but also for local residents.
The next object is the Atlas roadside service complex, built next to the village. Pechenga. Local residents asked the governor of the Murmansk Region to open a gas station here. Atlas is a gas station, a modern cafe, a mini–store, as well as a charging station for electric vehicles. The implementation of the project became possible thanks to the competition of interest-free loans for the implementation of business projects conducted by Norilsk Nickel and ANO "Center for Social Projects of the Pechengsky district "Second School" and the support of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation. "Natalia Spiridonova, Director of Ivekta Group LLC, believes that Atlas is not just a gas station, but a full-fledged road complex that will be of interest to tourists coming to the Pechenga district. A distinctive feature of the road cafe is the menu, which presents Arctic cuisine with dishes of venison, salmon, cod, local wild plants.
"The new facilities are the result of the joint work of entrepreneurs and the Government of the Murmansk region. Work in this direction continues, which gives confidence that trips and trips on the roads of the region will become more comfortable," said Alexander Eliseev, Chairman of the Murmansk Region Tourism Committee.
/ Murmansk Region Tourism Committee /