On September 15-17, 2022, the Crimea Urban Forum, the first international conference on the integrated development of the territories of Crimea, will be held in the Ex-terminal of the Simferopol International Airport. "Crimea Urban Forum" is becoming a new universal platform for multi-format dialogue for solving a wide range of tasks of business, government and society. The Forum includes a diverse program: round tables, panel discussions, reports, exchange of experience, case reviews and presentations of investment projects. An open dialogue is able to unite many industries and give impetus to the development of Crimea.
Within the framework of the "Crimea Urban Forum", a large-scale exhibition will be held, which includes:
Stroyexpokrym is the XII International Construction Exhibition, which will feature: construction materials and equipment, architectural and lighting environment design, construction technologies and smart engineering. M2 Expo is a real estate fair aimed at market professionals - realtors, developers and developers of urban and suburban real estate, banks, agencies, management companies, designers.
"MVMK" - the XII International Furniture Exhibition in Crimea. Among the main expositions will be presented - furniture, decor, equipment, components and accessories. "Security. Crimea" is the VII Specialized Exhibition of Integrated Security, which will feature: personal protective equipment, occupational safety, video surveillance systems and equipment.
The opening ceremony of the "Crimea Urban Forum" will take place on September 15, 2022 at 11:00, at the address: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, village. Aeroflot, Airport square 14.
Registration and event details https://expocrimea.com/events/urban-forum/