The leading players of the shipbuilding and fuel and energy sector market, representatives of government and science will gather on September 13-16 in the city on the Neva to discuss the most important aspects of the development of the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route, as part of the International Conference and Exhibition on Shipbuilding and the Development of High-tech Equipment for Offshore Development OMR 2022.
The OMR Forum is the only one in Russia is a hybrid business platform that focuses on discussing the development of offshore oil and gas resources in the waters of the seas of the Arctic zone of Russia, the operation of marine complexes in difficult ice conditions, transportation of hydrocarbons, shipping on the NSR, digitalization of business processes, navigation and communications in the northern waters, marine medicine, industrial and environmental safety in The Arctic.
In 2022, the Plenary Session will discuss "Strategic goals and objectives of shipbuilding and technical and technological support for the development of hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation".
More than 600 industry experts confirmed their participation in the Forum, including representatives of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia, Gazprom PJSC, Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, USC JSC, Gazprom Fleet LLC, LUKOIL PJSC, AANI, JSC "Rosgeologiya", JSC "Baltic Plant", JSC "TSSC", JSC "TVEL", PJSC "NK "Rosneft", PJSC JSC "Power Machines", LLC "Transas-Novigator", CDB MT "Rubin", CDB "Coral", JSC "CDB"Lapis lazuli", CDB "Monolith", SPO "Arctic", etc.
One of the most important components of the business program of the conference and exhibition will be the "Import Substitution Exchange", assistance in its organization is provided by the Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade of St. Petersburg, the Committee of St. Petersburg for Arctic Affairs and the Center for Development and Support of Entrepreneurship. The exchange will allow to inform interested companies about the directions of production orders of large enterprises in the field of shipbuilding, ship repair and related industries, as well as to hold preliminary negotiations with representatives of customer enterprises.
A Youth session will be held at the forum for all four days. Master classes with leading industry experts will be organized for young specialists, as well as solving cases in the field of search and exploration of hydrocarbons on the continental shelf, shipbuilding and marine medicine.
The exhibition will present technical solutions for the creation and operation of a modern fleet; promising technologies and equipment for the development of the infrastructure of the shelf, including the construction and operation of ports, the development of the transport system in the Arctic.
Among the participants of the exhibition are more than 60 industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Leningrad regions (within the framework of regional expositions), LLC "SSC "Zvezda", JSC "DCSS", JSC "PO "Sevmash", JSC "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard", PJSC "TSKB "Iceberg", JSC "OKBM Afrikantov", LLC "Uralmash NGO Holding", SIC "Kurchatov Institute", FSBI "Vniiokeangeology", JSC "NPP PT "Oceanos", JSC "Marine Navigation Systems" and others.
Traditionally, technical seminars will be organized for visitors and delegates of OMR 2020 at industrial facilities of the Northwestern Federal District: AANII (research of hydrodynamics of marine transport and ice qualities of vessels in an experimental ice pool), FSUE Krylovsky Scientific Center (visit to the experimental base: ice experimental pool, landscape pipe, fitness center, static and resource testing stands of structures).
"OMR 2022" is held in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 294-r dated March 1, 2014 and the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. AN-P51-6930 dated April 26, 2022 with the coordinating role of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the active participation of leading Russian companies involved in the development of the continental shelf and the implementation of large oil and gas projects, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.
Detailed information is available on the official website of the event www.omr-russia.ru