The ninth Russian-Kazakh industrial exhibition "EXPO-RUSSIA KAZAKHSTAN 2021" and the seventh Almaty Business Forum will be held from 23 to 25 June 2021 in Almaty.
The organizer of the exhibition on the Russian side is Zarubezh-Expo JSC, on the Kazakh side-the Almaty Chamber of Trade and Investment. The support of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, the Ministry of industry and trade, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of energy, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of health of Russia, chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The expositions of the companies at the EXPO-RUSSIA KAZAKHSTAN 2021 exhibition will feature the latest developments in the following areas: energy, oil and gas and chemical industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, automobile, aviation and railway transport, construction, agriculture and food industry, medicine and pharmaceuticals, banking, information technology, telecommunications, education and science.
Within the framework of the business program, it is planned to hold a conference on the topic: "Digitalization – new business opportunities for the EAEU countries", an exchange of business contacts, specialized round tables.
For more detailed information about the event can be found on www.zarubezhexpo.ru.