As part of the operational meeting, Svetlana Panfilova, Minister of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region, reported that in the period from April to May 2024, the Murmansk Region hosts Entrepreneurship Days, which include business conferences, exhibitions, topical thematic round tables, seminars and presentations on mechanisms for supporting and developing entrepreneurship and timed to celebrating the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship on May 26, 2024.
This year, the business program includes a series of meetings of investment commissioners with small and medium-sized businesses in municipalities, the main purpose of which is to identify the most problematic issues for business and find ways to solve them, as the minister noted.
The meetings will also be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Murmansk Region, as well as representatives of NMCC FORMAP (Foundation), the Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Murmansk Region, the Center for Cluster Development of the Murmansk Region, GOBU Murmansk Regional Innovative Business Incubator, JSC Development Corporations Murmansk region", LLC "KRDV Murmansk", ANO "Export Support Center of the Murmansk region" and other organizations.
In the municipalities of the Murmansk region, the Entrepreneurship Support Center will conduct free workshops on the sale of goods and services through online platforms. Entrepreneurs of the region will be able to gain practical knowledge and subsequently expand the market for their products. For those who are considering starting a franchise business, a master class "Franchise" will be held.
You can get detailed information and sign up for master classes and educational events at the Murmansk Region Entrepreneurship Support Center, which provides services within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and support for individual Entrepreneurial initiative", by phone (8152) 41-07-44.
ANO "Project Management Center" will hold a project fair "Other people's rakes". Current entrepreneurs will share their negative business experiences, talk about the barriers they faced in implementing their projects, as well as ways to overcome them. For more information, please contact the ANO Project Management Center by phone (8152) 45-19-40.
"For students and high school students, Murmansk Region Development Corporation JSC organizes a career guidance tour of investment project sites in the Murmansk region, and a photo exhibition of investment projects for everyone," Svetlana Panfilova informed.
The Entrepreneurship Days program also includes a number of free educational events for entrepreneurs of the Murmansk region, including seminars "Tax optimization", "Fast payment system – benefit for business", a lecture "Entrepreneurship development in the Far North" in Murmansk, a seminar "Marketing and Psychology for small and medium-sized businesses" in 2014. Severomorsk, a training game for aspiring entrepreneurs "Entrepreneur from scratch" in the Tersk district and others.
"We invite everyone to take part in the events of the Days of Entrepreneurship of the Murmansk region," the Minister stressed.
For more information, please contact the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region by phone: (8152) 486-352, e-mail address: pechnikova@gov-murman.ru , contact person: Yulia Vladimirovna Pechnikova; by phone: (8152) 486-434, e-mail address: gnatkova@gov-murman.ru , contact person: Veronika Andreevna Gnatko.
The program of the Days of Entrepreneurship can be found on the website of the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk region.