Polar entrepreneurs developing their own brand can take part in the competition of new domestic brands "Know ours". This was announced today at an operational meeting in the regional government by the head of the region Andrey Chibis.
"The competition is held on behalf of the President of Russia. Its main goal is to support the development of promising domestic brands in all regions of Russia. Entrepreneurs – representatives of small and medium–sized businesses, whose companies demonstrate steady growth rates and a high degree of localization of production, can become participants," Andrei Chibis said.
Applications are accepted on the idea platform.roscongress.the Russian Federation until January 15, 2024, inclusive, in five categories: food, consumer goods, creative, information and high technologies.
The winning brands will receive promotion of their products on marketplaces and retail chains, on television and in new media.
Tatyana Lyashchuk, Acting Minister of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region, told more about the concept of the competition of Russian growing brands "Know Ours".
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /