During the meeting of the Joint monitoring Committee, held online, summed up the results of the fourth application round in the cross-border cooperation programme "Kolarctic 2014-2020". Approved for financing nine projects with the participation of organizations of Murmansk region, including those aimed at supporting entrepreneurship and the development of Arctic competence: "a monitoring System for the Northern lights for the needs of tourist business" (lead partner Polar geophysical Institute, partners of the State natural reserve "Pasvik", LLC "Socium+"), "GREEN ICE CAMERA" (partner, OOO "Art Media Service"), as well as projects in the field of environmental protection: "The safety monitoring system of the Arctic mining industry with use of drones" (lead partner Institute of the industrial ecology problems of the North KSC RAS), "Smart Arctic national parks" (partner of the State natural reserve "Pasvik"), "Often look to the North" (partner of children's art school of Murmansk), "removal Processes of nitrogen compounds" (partner of the Kola scientific center of RAS), "capacity Building to mitigate emissions of black carbon: a road map for cross-border activities" (partner of the Kola scientific center of RAS), "Identifying and stopping the spread of gyrodactylosis (diseases of fish) in North Calotte" (partner Institute of the industrial ecology problems of the North KSC RAS), "EXcavator Pro in Ecologicial ResToration" (partner of the Pechenga local public organization for environmental education "ECOCENTER").
Cross-border cooperation programme "Kolarctic 2014-2020" is a financial tool that allows you to develop local and regional initiatives of border areas of eight regions from four countries – Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, Nenets Autonomous district of Russia; Lapland province of Finland; provinces of Troms and Finnmark, Nordland, Norway, Norrbotten County in Sweden.
Thematic objectives of the programme are the support of entrepreneurship and development of small and medium businesses; improve accessibility to the regions, development of transport and communication networks and systems; environmental protection, adaptation to climate change; the strengthening of border control and border security.
In 2020 as a result of three rounds of the program, implemented 18 projects with participation of organizations of Murmansk oblast, including 16 standard (8 projects corresponds to the thematic objectives of the program "environmental protection", six projects – "promoting entrepreneurship", two – "development of transport networks"), as well as two major infrastructure projects in the roads sector.
Source: minec.gov-murman.ru