The new resident of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the Reed-Capital Arctic company, will soon begin construction of an industrial complex for processing ash and slag waste from the Apatitskaya CHP. The volume of investments in the project under the agreement with the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic will amount to more than 1.7 billion rubles, 220 residents of the Murmansk region will get jobs at the new enterprise.
The declared capacity of the project will be about 150 thousand tons per year of ash and slag waste, the products of processing will be iron-containing concentrate for the metallurgical industry, dry building mixes, reinforced concrete panels and sand.
"The idea of building a plant for processing CHP waste into building materials arose due to the experience of the project team in the field of mineral processing. The combination of traditional separation and enrichment methods has made it possible to achieve a processing level of up to 95% of incoming raw materials. The choice fell on Apatity and the Murmansk Region, since the sales market of the Northwestern Federal District is located here, which ensures the convenience and economic feasibility of the project," said Igor Piasetsky, General Director of REED Capital LLC.
According to the investor, modern technologies successfully combine the opportunity to improve the ecology of the region with the simultaneous production of demanded products.
"According to estimates, the capacity of the construction materials market in the Murmansk region in 2024 may amount to about 3-5 billion rubles. This forecast is based on the current pace of construction, the volume of public and private investments in the region, as well as plans for the implementation of major infrastructure projects," said the resident of the Russian Arctic.
The new plant should completely recycle all the waste from the Apatitskaya CHPP, as well as completely eliminate the waste dumps accumulated over 20 years, returning the land to economic circulation. Russian equipment will be used in the production, with the prospect of introducing new technologies. So, in the future, the production of microspheres may appear, acting as the basis for many modern composite materials. The company cooperates with the best domestic equipment manufacturers, federal and local authorities.
As the head of REED Capital noted, the status of a resident of the Russian Arctic provides significant support for the implementation of the project.
"The employees of the KRDV provide comprehensive support and assistance in obtaining permits and approvals, registration of a land plot. We find the benefits of insurance premiums and subsidies for infrastructure the most useful. The support from the KRDV and the preferences of the AZRF mechanism gave us a powerful impetus for implementation, which significantly accelerated the preparation and launch process," Igor Piasetsky stressed.
The Murmansk Region is one of the leaders in attracting investments among all regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The preferential regime created in 2020 attracted 246 residents of the Russian Arctic, and investment projects worth more than 191 billion rubles are being implemented.
"Any entrepreneur willing to invest in the economy of the northern regions of our country can obtain the status of a resident of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, which provides unique competitive advantages in the form of tax incentives for business development. These are guaranteed zero property tax and income tax reduced to 5% for the first five years, zero land tax for the first three years, subsidizing 75% of insurance premiums for newly created jobs for a 10-year period, priority opportunities for land registration. The complex of measures and full support of projects at all stages of implementation provided by the KRDV help investors reduce the construction time of facilities and bring them to the operational stage," said Vladimir Gudkov, Deputy Director of the Department of support for the implementation of investment projects of the KRDV.
According to the KRDV, currently 775 residents of the Russian Arctic are investing in the territories of the Russian Arctic with projects worth 872 billion rubles, 26.9 thousand jobs are being created. In fact, business has invested more than 148 billion rubles in the Arctic economy and created almost 10,000 new jobs.
/ Far East and Arctic Development Corporation of the Russian Federation /