The power engineers of the branch of PJSC Rosseti – the Main Electric Networks of the North-West have completed work on the technological connection of the Kola Wind Power Plant to the Unified National Electric Grid. It is connected to the 330 kV Murmansk substation, which is one of the main power centers of the Murmansk region.
An additional 150 kV cell has been built on an open switchgear, equipped with highly reliable gas switching equipment and microprocessor relay protection devices.
The largest wind farm beyond the Arctic Circle - the Kola wind Farm - is equipped with 57 generating units, which are located on an area of 257 hectares. The generation facility is capable of generating about 750 GWh of electricity per year.
To date, all the necessary conditions have been created for the issuance of the capacity of the first stage of the wind farm in the amount of 170.4 MW out of the planned 202.35 MW. The company "EL5-Energo", the owner of the Kola wind farm, plans to fully complete the commissioning of the remaining capacity of the wind farm in the first quarter of 2023.
/ Ministry of Energy and Housing of the Murmansk region according to PJSC Rosseti – Main electric networks of the North-West /