Within the framework of the operational meeting of the Government of the Murmansk region, the issue of the progress of work on the development of master plans for the main settlements of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation was considered.
Recall that in May 2023, at a meeting of the working group on the development of the Arctic, the Governor of the Murmansk Region, the Governor of the Murmansk region, proposed to introduce the concept of "supporting Arctic cities". On behalf of President Vladimir Putin, following a visit to the region in July 2023, the Government of the Russian Federation identified 16 main settlements of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, for which master plans and comprehensive plans for long-term socio-economic development until 2035 will be developed.
"For almost a year, painstaking work has been underway on drawing up a detailed development plan for all settlements included in the agglomeration. And about 70% of the northerners of the Murmansk region live in them. When developing these materials, we relied on the opinion of the residents and conducted an open collection of proposals, where each resident could submit their suggestions and ideas. As a result, more than 10 thousand Northerners took part in the polls. In addition, more than 500 experts from various fields made industry proposals at the sessions. It is important that this work was not carried out in the quiet of classrooms or expert platforms. It is based on suggestions from residents, because it is necessary to make sure that the master plans meet all their requests," said Andrey Chibis, Governor of the Murmansk Region.
The Government of the Murmansk region together with the Institute of Development of the HOUSE.The Russian Federation has developed master plans for the main settlements of the Russian Arctic in the Murmansk region. Last week, they were presented to the Deputy head of the Presidential Administration Maxim Oreshkin and the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Alexei Chekunkov. Materials are being prepared to present the master plans to the President.
"I will explain once again why this work is so important. Master plans will form the basis of comprehensive programs for the socio-economic development of our Arctic cities. The main task is to improve the living conditions of Northerners, ensure economic development, modernization of production and transport infrastructure. And we plan to attract extra–budgetary and federal funding in addition to the regional budget," the head of the region noted.
According to Andrey Chibis, the investment portfolio until 2035 is more than 3 trillion rubles. For new projects, it is planned to create a total of over 30 thousand new jobs and invest over 4 trillion rubles. Of these, more than 2.9 trillion rubles, or 72%, are private investments. The need for budget financing is about 550 billion rubles – 6 rubles of private investment are planned for 1 budget ruble.
"We will also work to achieve comprehensive solutions that will help all agglomerations to develop even more actively. Among them: the launch of a comprehensive overhaul program for common property in apartment buildings with the allocation of federal budget funds; the launch of an affordable rental housing program and the provision of resettlement of emergency housing. It is also important to achieve additional federal funding for the improvement of courtyards, increase the volume of financing for the healthcare system and allocate federal co–financing for the re-equipment of heat supply sources as part of the gasification of the Murmansk Region," Andrei Chibis said.
Olga Vovk, Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region, outlined the brief results of the work on the preparation of master plans for the main settlements of the Murmansk region.
"It is important to note that thanks to your direct participation, Andrey Vladimirovich, we managed to prepare the most balanced and responsive master plans for citizens and businesses. The work is complex, all the design solutions of the master plan are interconnected and are also taken into account when forming the strategic plan "To live in the North"," explained Olga Vovk.
So, in the Murmansk agglomeration, the basis of the master plan is the improvement of public spaces and courtyards, the construction of a children's regional hospital, the modernization of an adult regional hospital, the comprehensive development of transport, logistics and port infrastructure, the creation of a ship repair cluster. In addition, it is planned to develop tourism, education and the creative economy, to form a system of connected urban and natural territories.
Much attention is paid to housing construction – agreements for about 600 thousand square meters have already been concluded with three federal developers at the SPIEF. In just 10 years, it is planned to build more than 1 million square meters. m of housing.
"The purpose of the master plan of the Kirovsko-Apatitskaya agglomeration is to ensure synergy of production, science and quality of life, where the city of Apatity is the main scientific center of the Russian Arctic and a creative cluster of the Arctic, and Kirovsk is the federal center of winter sports and the main ski resort of the North, the key projects of the master plan are aimed at this," Olga noted Vovk.
The key projects for the agglomeration were the development of a new field, the formation of a Federal Winter Sports Center, the further development of a ski resort, and the creation of a modern scientific and technological cluster to ensure the safety and development of the Arctic on the basis of the KNC RAS.
Thanks to the master plans, it is planned to form a comfortable and liveable industrial center of the Arctic in the Monchegorsk agglomeration. This is possible thanks to the creation of an industrial technopark, the formation of a regional tourist resort with the development of winter sports and sailing, the construction of a visit center of the Lapland Nature Reserve, the modernization of the hospital town of the Monchegorsk regional hospital.
"I would like to note that the work was carried out in high-quality and detailed, with in-depth analysis and the involvement of experts. And it is important that not a single ruble of budget funds was spent on this, for which thanks to colleagues from the Institute of Development of the House of the Russian Federation. Now it is important for us to get the support of the President, but it is already obvious that these plans are verified and clear. And now, without waiting for the final decisions, we already have to take all the designated activities into work," said Andrey Chibis, Governor of the Murmansk Region.
In conclusion, Olga Vovk recalled that in June territorial sessions were held as part of the formation of the plan "In the North – to live" in each of the agglomerations, at which master plans were presented, among other things, and once again invited all residents of the Murmansk region to participate in the collection of proposals on the portal "Our North".
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /