When implementing municipal investment profiles, the municipalities of the Murmansk Region use the best practices of other regions, this was announced by Artem Kuksa, General Director of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation, at the opening of the 7th educational module of the School of Investment Commissioners on November 26 in Murmansk, at the Regional Management Center.
The seventh Investment School of the region has started its work in Murmansk, bringing together investment officials and representatives of local governments from 13 municipalities. Recall that the Institute of Investment Commissioners has been operating in the Murmansk region on the initiative of Governor Andrei Chibis since 2021. Investment officers are local government representatives whose task is to facilitate the implementation of investment projects in the territories. And the regional Development Corporation is engaged in training the interaction of municipal teams with investors and entrepreneurs.
"We are constantly improving the competence of investment commissioners. Today's module will also be devoted to this task: finalizing investment profiles that will contain all the key features of the municipality and its investment niches, projects. This information will be presented as clearly as possible for the investor, so that after studying the investment profile, he can get a general understanding of the prospects of the municipality. And in order for profiles to become a truly working tool, we use the best experience of other regions and have attracted experts who have been working on this topic for three years," said Artem Kuksa, General Director of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation.
Recall that municipal investment profiles are one of the mandatory elements of the new municipal investment standard (MIS) of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Such documents are now being implemented in all regions of the Russian Federation.
"Our main goal is to ensure that the investment profiles that will be implemented by the end of this year in each municipality of the Murmansk region fully comply with the updated strategy "In the North — to live", it was presented by Governor Andrey Chibis, and this is the strategy we are moving towards. In fact, these are the projects and areas of development that will contribute to the creation of high—quality infrastructure in our municipalities," said Dmitry Titarenko, Deputy Minister of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region.
To help finalize the profiles, experts from the National Association of the Agency for Development and Investment, an adviser to the Governor of the Tyumen Region and the curator of the NAAIR site, were invited to the Murmansk Region. Municipality" to Olga Ezikeyeva and Nikolay Purtov, General Director of the Tyumen Region Investment Agency.
"The Tyumen Region is the first region that started making investment profiles, realizing that this is not a document that should be "on the table", but a good program for territorial investment development. When I started going through the investment profiles that your municipalities have developed, I realized that the Murmansk region is a Klondike in terms of investment potential. And, accordingly, this information should be publicly available, and you need to learn how to use it. In addition, all enterprises that undergo either production modernization or expansion should draw relevant answers for themselves from such investment profiles," Olga Ezikeeva said.
After completing the full-time stage of the School of Investment Officers module, municipalities will continue to work on finalizing profiles with experts online. And after the implementation by municipalities, investment profiles will be presented to the business community of the region.
/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation /