The Ministry of investment, entrepreneurship development and fisheries of the Murmansk region begins the competitive selection of applications for grants to support beginning farmers.
Grant is granted to Heads of peasant (farm) holdings registered in the territory of the Murmansk region, the activity of which on the date of filing does not exceed 24 months from the date of its registration.
The grant is awarded to provide support for beginning farmers.
To participate in the competitive selection the applicant must file a statement with the necessary documents.
In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Murmansk region from 12.05.2017 No. 240-PP "About granting of grants for support of beginning farmers"the selection is performed in 2 stages:
I stage. The competitive Commission considers the Application and documents for completeness and completeness and determines the eligibility of the applicant criteria, verifies that the plan expenses the list of expenses, for the financial support which provided a Grant, and makes a decision on admission (non-admission) of the Applicant to participate in the second stage of the Competition.
Stage II. The competition Commission conducts the interview with applicants, evaluates applicants according to criteria in accordance with the point scale, decides on the recognition of the applicant by the grantee and determine the size or takes a decision to refuse recognition of the Applicant by the grantee.
During the meeting of the Competition Committee in absentia in-person interview with Applicants is not carried out.
Documents are accepted to the address: Murmansk, Karl Marx str., 25 a, agribusiness Management, or e-mail address: mrcx@gov-murman.ru.
The deadline to submit applications: with in 17.06.2020 16.07.2020
Phone for inquiries: (8152) 487-836
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Source: mirp.gov-murman.ru