The competitive selection for the award of the National Public Award "Russian Organizations friendly to Children" has started. The Award is organized by the Public Institution "Interregional Center for Children and Youth". Organizations of the Murmansk Region are also invited to participate.
The purpose of the competitive selection is to conduct an independent public examination of the activities of commercial and non-profit organizations, as well as state (municipal) institutions that provide services to children, for compliance with the requirements established by national standards, and their further financial support.
To participate in the competition, state and municipal institutions, commercial and non-profit organizations and individual entrepreneurs are invited to provide excursion services for children; provide sports and recreation and sports services for children; provide fitness services for children and adolescents; provide social services; provide educational services in the field of non-formal (additional) education and training of children; organizations for children's recreation and health improvement; organizations that provide care and supervision of children; providing cultural and leisure services to children and others.
According to the results of the event, the winner of the competitive selection will be provided with financial support in the form of a grant for the implementation of projects for working with children in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles.
The competitive selection will take place in three stages:
- the first is an independent survey of participants for compliance with the requirements established by the relevant national standards;
- second – presentation of projects and programs;
- The third is a public demonstration of the activities of organizations in a virtual format.
Applications are accepted until May 2, 2021 inclusive.
Additional information is published on the official website of the Interregional Center at the link.
/ Committee for tourism of the Murmansk Region /