First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region Oksana Demchenko spoke about the implementation of national projects in the region during a government meeting. Thus, thanks to the national project "Tourism and the Hospitality Industry", 9 campsites and car camps appeared in 2023 in the territories of Murmansk, Kola district, Tersk district, Polar Dawns, Monchegorsk, Lovozero.
Also, as part of financial support for the creation of modular non-capital accommodation facilities, 6 modular hotels for 81 places have already been built in Teriberka, Magnetity, in the area of the Rybachy peninsula at the mouth of the Titovka River, in the Kandalaksha district on the White Sea coast, in the Kola district on the banks of the Kola River, in the village of Revda Lovozersky district. In 2023, the project "Guest cottages of the Khibiny tourist complex" was also supported, within the framework of which 20 new rooms will be built by the end of 2024.
By order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in 2023, a tourist route was approved in the Murmansk Region as the national tourist route "Polar Kaleidoscope" and "From Barents to Bely", which made it possible to attract federal funds for the improvement and development of infrastructure. The Tourism Committee of the Murmansk Region held a competition for entrepreneurial initiatives on the development and modernization of tourist resources within the framework of the national route. As a result of the competitive selection, 4 entrepreneurial initiatives were supported. At the expense of subsidy funds, business entities have installed and modernized 8 infrastructure facilities on the national route.
As part of the implementation of the national project "Tourism and the Hospitality Industry", two classified beaches appeared in the Arctic for the first time. In winter, the operation of the beach areas is used as a platform for observing the northern lights.
As Oksana Demchenko noted, the measures of the national Tourism and Hospitality Industry project and the activities of the regional Tourism Infrastructure Development project make it possible to make holidays in the region more affordable, attract additional investments, create infrastructure, including the construction of new accommodation facilities, tourist facilities and hotels and, as a result, increase the tourist flow.
/ Murmansk Region Tourism Committee /