Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin held a strategic session on the results of the work of deputy prime ministers as curators of federal districts. Andrey Chibis, Governor of the Murmansk Region, took part in the meeting in a videoconference format.
The Institute of Supervision of Federal districts was introduced in July 2021. Its goal is to improve the quality of life in the regions and improve the pace of their socio–economic development. The head of government said that according to the monitoring of the socio-economic situation in the regions, there is an increase in extra–budgetary investments - by the end of 2023, almost 9 trillion rubles were attracted, and over the past 2.5 years, more than 230 thousand jobs were created, goods and services worth 6.5 billion rubles were provided.
"Such indicators confirm that it was possible to ensure effective interaction between the Government and the subjects, to establish cooperative ties that are necessary for small businesses and large holdings. And also to create conditions for cooperation between neighboring regions within the federal districts," Mikhail Mishustin stressed.
The Prime Minister gave several examples of successful implementation of projects with the active support of curators from among the Deputy Prime ministers. Thus, he noted that 357 initiatives are being implemented in the regions, which relate to various spheres – healthcare, manufacturing, tourism, etc.
"The heads of the subjects are also participating in our meeting, they will be able to assess the results obtained, and we will discuss how the institute of curators works in its current form, and what is required for improvement. Each of my deputies will report in detail on what has been done and on the initiatives that are still at the planning stage," Mikhail Mishustin said and recalled the main parameters for evaluating the implementation of projects.
These include the growth of the domestic regional product, increased investment in the region, an increase in the number of jobs and an increase in real incomes of the population.
The Northwestern Federal District is overseen by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.
Recall that in the Murmansk region, special attention is paid to the support of investment projects at all stages of implementation.
Projects for the Integrated development of the Murmansk Transport Hub, the construction of the Lavna Commercial Seaport coal transshipment complex and railway tracks are in the active investment and construction phase.
There is also a special preferential treatment of the Russian Arctic in the region. In terms of the number of residents, the Murmansk Region has remained the leader since the first day – today there are 230 of them. In addition, the TOP "Capital of the Arctic" operates in the region, created in record time. The total planned volume of investments under the two regimes is more than 450 billion rubles, and it is planned to create about 12.2 thousand jobs. At the same time, more than 214 billion rubles of investments have already been invested under the two regimes and about 5,000 jobs have been created.
The Murmansk Region is a region of unique industries. The anchor resident of the TOP "Capital of the Arctic" is a project to create a Center for the construction of large-capacity offshore structures of NOVATEK. In July 2023, the first LNG plant based on gravity type, assembled at TSSKMS, was towed along the Northern Sea Route to the Utrennoye field on the Gydan Peninsula. The start of sending the finished first LNG production line on a gravity platform was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The industrial enterprises of the region have not only been working steadily for many years, but are also actively implementing investment projects to expand and modernize their production facilities. Thus, the Kovdorsky GOK development project with a total investment of more than 100 billion rubles is being successfully implemented, as well as a project to develop the resource base of the KF of Apatit JSC.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /