A new sports complex will be built in Murmansk, it will become the first facility with a swimming pool created under a concession agreement in the Murmansk region.
The corresponding concession agreement has been concluded The Government of the Murmansk Region represented by the regional Ministries of Sports and Construction. A pre-built sports complex with a swimming pool and a gym will be located on Kola Avenue in the area of house 91.
The investment project will be implemented using regional and federal funding. In particular, 51.4 million rubles have been allocated for its implementation under the state program "Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation". The total cost of construction will amount to more than 1.3 billion rubles. The implementation of an investment project that is socially important for Northerners will improve the conditions for sports in Murmansk and will contribute to the popularization of swimming. To implement it, a special design company was created on the basis of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation – LLC "Pool on Kola".
"This pool will be the second sports complex, the construction of which will be launched under the concession. This is an extremely effective mechanism for working with investors, thanks to which two sports facilities will appear in Murmansk at once: on Starostina and Kola Avenue. Every year we try to build up the sports infrastructure of the region and 2024 will be no exception. In addition to these facilities, the construction of a swimming pool in Severomorsk and the reconstruction of the Ice Palace in Olenegorsk are continuing. It is planned to open 23 more sports spaces "Sopki.Sports," said Andrey Chibis, Governor of the Murmansk Region.
At the moment, the project is in a high degree of elaboration: design and estimate documentation has been developed and a positive conclusion of the state expertise has been received. The project provides for the construction of two bowls – 25 and 15 meters long. The total area of the building will be 8 thousand square meters. meters.
It is planned that the construction will start next year.
It should be recalled that the Government of the Murmansk Region also recently concluded a concession for the construction of a new sports and recreation complex in Murmansk in the Oktyabrsky district. The project is also supported by the Regional Development Corporation.
/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation /