In Monchegorsk, the Mir Detstva company, with the status of a resident of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), will build a multifunctional children's entertainment center. In addition to the entertainment area, the complex will include cafes and squares for the sale of children's goods and clothing. The opening is scheduled for 2026. According to the agreement with the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic (KRDV), the investor will invest 36.6 million rubles in the implementation of the project, 11 jobs will be created.
The unique facility will begin to be designed already in 2023, the construction of the center with a total area of about 1000 sq. m. m will begin in 2024.
According to Maria Makarova, General Director of Mir Detstva LLC, the population of Monchegorsk is just over 41 thousand people, about 22% are children under 6 years old and teenagers (schoolchildren) aged 7 to 17 years. There are institutions of additional education in the city, clubs based on schools and kindergartens, but there is no large leisure center where it would be interesting to spend time with the whole family, buy children's goods, celebrate a children's birthday or organize a quest for a group of children. There are similar institutions in the regional center – Murmansk, the distance from Monchegorsk to it is more than 100 km.
"In addition to the entertainment area for children and teenagers, which includes a zone of educational games, a climbing wall and a trampoline, the center will have a recreation area and a photo zone, a cafe where various events can also be held, and areas for the sale of children's goods and clothing are also provided," Maria Makarova said.
She noted that the KRDV provides great assistance in the comprehensive support of the company's project, and the status of a resident of the Russian Arctic gives special advantages.
"Administrative and tax preferences, including income tax, as well as the allocation of land for the construction of the center – all this has a positive effect on the development of business, and, accordingly, works for the benefit of the hometown and the region as a whole," Maria Makarova said.
"The AZRF regime provides businesses with a wide range of opportunities to implement the planned project. Thanks to the benefits and preferences, entrepreneurs who are residents of the preferential regime can significantly improve the economics of their projects, which, in turn, gives a visible increase in business activity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. New manufacturing enterprises, companies providing services and services for local residents and tourists are being launched in the northern regions. As of today, residents of the Russian Arctic have already put 77 projects into operation. As a result, the quality of people's lives is growing, new jobs are emerging," said Vladimir Gudkov, Deputy Director of the Department of Support for the implementation of investment projects of the KRDV.
In total, according to the KRDV, 552 agreements on investment activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation have been signed. Residents actually invested 65 billion rubles in projects, created more than about 5.5 thousand jobs. Comfortable conditions for the implementation of business projects have been created for investors of the world's largest preferential territory. Taxes on property, land and profits have been reset for 5 years, subsidizing 75% of the volume of insurance premiums for newly created jobs has been in effect for 10 years, opportunities for obtaining land and applying the procedure of a free customs zone are provided. KRDV accompanies the activities of residents from packaging to the launch of the project, supports in operational activities, provides services and provides useful services.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region according to the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic /