Two new concession agreements have been signed between the government of the Murmansk Region, the administrations of Murmansk and Monchegorsk, as well as the Teplo company. Kandalaksha" on the implementation of investment projects for the modernization of heat supply systems.
The total investment will amount to about 100 million rubles, part of the funds will be allocated by the region by attracting a special treasury loan, some by municipalities, as well as the concessionaire.
Projects to modernize boiler houses in the Drovyanoye microdistrict in Murmansk and in the village of the 25th kilometer of the Monchegorsk-Olenya railway will improve the quality of life of almost a thousand people.
The project was worked out on behalf of Governor Andrey Chibis starting in 2023 by the regional Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services, the Murmansk Region Development Corporation together with municipalities and will be implemented on the principles of public-private partnership.
"Modernization of the housing and communal services sector is one of the main points of the strategic plan "To live in the North". We continue systematic work on the transfer of settlements in the Murmansk region to more environmentally friendly fuel. This year, the government will invest about 82 million rubles in the construction and renovation of boiler houses in Murmansk and near Monchegorsk, but thanks to the withdrawal from fuel oil (we transfer two coal, one diesel) in the first year after launch, they will provide savings to the regional budget in the amount of 17 million rubles," said the governor of the Murmansk region Andrey Chibis.
Recall that at the moment, the wood-burning heat supply is provided from coal and diesel boilers. As part of the investment project, a 0.9 MW boiler unit powered by wood chips will be installed at the existing diesel boiler house. Instead of the coal-fired boiler house, a new automatic block-modular station will be built, which will run on wood pellets. As for the settlement of the 25th kilometer near Monchegorsk, a new 0.9 MW wood chip boiler will also be built there instead of a coal boiler.
The measures will make it possible to switch heat supply sources to more efficient fuels and get away from fuel oil dependence, provide better and more reliable heat supply to consumers.
/ The Ministry of Energy and Housing of the Murmansk Region and the Murmansk Region Development Corporation /