In the Murmansk region, at the site of the Center for the Construction of Large-tonnage offshore Structures in Belokamenka, Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin held a visiting workshop with the participation of Governor Andrey Chibis and Chairman of the Board of NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson. The agenda includes measures to support the development of domestic industry, energy, strengthening technological sovereignty and innovation.
"I thank Governor Andrey Chibis and Chairman of the Board of NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson for the invitation and warm welcome. I also express my gratitude to my colleagues who dedicated this day to getting acquainted with the strategic potential of the Murmansk region. For the Kola Arctic, the Center for the Construction of large—tonnage Offshore Structures is a large-scale project. It is important for us to study the issues of law enforcement practice, since we have already adopted a number of laws that relate to the energy complex of Russia, as well as the production of liquefied natural gas. The development of such projects is necessary to create new jobs and the prosperity of our country's economy. Perhaps this topic requires the adoption of legal initiatives and the adoption of new legislative decisions," Vyacheslav Volodin said.
Vyacheslav Volodin stressed that the State Duma will prepare draft laws to support strategic investment projects in the LNG industry. To do this, a working group will be created, which should work out all the proposed initiatives within the next week, hold consultations with the Government and reach decision-making. The Chairman of the State Duma also noted that this topic should be taken under control within the framework of reports to the State Duma of the Minister of Energy and the relevant Deputy Prime Minister.
Leonid Mikhelson, Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC NOVATEK, noted that the industry needs to take a number of legislative measures.
In addition, during the workshop they discussed the development of the Murmansk region, the creation of new jobs and training.
"The Murmansk region is currently the leader in attracting investments among all regions of the Arctic zone. In addition, in the Murmansk region in record time in 2020, the only Arctic TOP "Capital of the Arctic" was created. As a result, there are 200 residents in the region with a total investment of more than 317 billion rubles, which provide for the creation of more than 11 thousand jobs," said Nikolai Kharitonov, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, and noted the importance of the development of the Murmansk Region for the country's energy security.
Alexey Didenko, head of the Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, proposed to work out additional measures to support shift workers and workers' settlements. The meeting participants also stressed the importance of expanding training in engineering specialties for the development of Russian industry.
The visiting workshop was attended by First Deputy Chairmen of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Ivan Melnikov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Vladislav Davankov, heads of factions Vladimir Vasiliev (United Russia), Sergey Mironov (Fair Russia – For the Truth"), Leonid Slutsky (LDPR) and Alexey Nechaev ("New People"), chairmen of the committees on regional policy and local self-government Alexey Didenko, on energy Pavel Zavalny, on ecology, natural resources and environmental protection Dmitry Kobylkin, on economic policy Maxim Topilin, on the development of the Far East and the Arctic Nikolay Kharitonov, First Deputy Chairman of the Budget and Taxes Committee Leonid Simanovsky, member of the Defense Committee Tatiana Kusayko (elected from the Murmansk region).
Vyacheslav Volodin and the leaders of the factions also visited the Center for the Construction of Large-tonnage marine Structures in Belokamenka. TSSKMS is building and equipping floating reinforced concrete structures necessary for natural gas liquefaction and transshipment plants.
"The creation of such production in the world is highly competitive and there are no equals to it today. This is a unique, exclusively Russian enterprise," Vyacheslav Volodin stressed, adding that TSKMS can be compared with Boeing in terms of parameters, but it also loses in terms of the number of employees.
The Chairman of the State Duma also noted the importance of expanding the training of engineering specialties for the development of Russian industry and added that it is necessary to invest in this. "It is necessary to create conditions for the development of such projects, and for this the necessary laws must be adopted," the Chairman of the State Duma said.
The Center is a key facility for the LNG equipment manufacturing industry being created in Russia. Currently, TSSKMS is building the first two liquefaction lines at the OGT for the Arctic LNG 2 project. Further serial production of such liquefaction lines is envisaged.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /