Within the framework of the federal Small Business Growth Accelerator project, educational webinars were held for entrepreneurs of the region, as a result of which their business startups received independent expertise. The accelerator in Murmansk was held from September 15 to December 20.
"We have received more than 150 applications for participation in the Accelerator, according to the results of the selection, more than 75 active entrepreneurs of Murmansk and the region entered the training program. A series of events allowed entrepreneurs of the Kola Arctic Region, with the support of mentors and corporate partners, to get the opportunity to cooperate with large and corporate businesses, as well as to conclude a pilot deal with a federal company," said Marta Govor, head of the Department of State Support for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region.
The head of the Murmansk Region Entrepreneurship Support Center, Victoria Timonova, noted that the business support provided in the region within the Accelerator was supported by the tools and capabilities of the federal project, and businessmen had a chance to compare and evaluate their strengths at the all-Russian level.
The program provided businessmen with the opportunity to become participants in an independent examination of their projects in three areas:
- "The Power of the Arctic" – socially significant projects based on the "power of the place", unique resources and opportunities of the Murmansk region;
- "Industrial product" – technological projects;
- "Corporate product" – projects in partnership with large enterprises of the region and federal market players.
More than 20 leadership projects have reached the finals. The finalists in each of the tracks were recognized by Yuri Artemyev (track "The Power of the Arctic", the production of products based on sea urchins with the prospect of launching a workshop for the introduction of a new method of processing sea urchin caviar), Nadezhda Romanchenko (track "Corporate product", tailoring of workwear of various profiles for specific contracts with ROSATOM holding) and Olga Pokrovskaya (Russian Russian track "Industrial Product", an online course on learning the Russian language and getting to know Russian culture for foreigners abroad (students, businessmen who want to learn the language from scratch) and foreigners in the Russian Federation, those who are striving to acquire and improve their knowledge of the Russian language).
The finalist authors had the opportunity to scale their business to the all-Russian level by signing contracts with large federal corporations in 2023.
The Small business Growth accelerator in the Murmansk Region is being conducted by the My Business Center, the Murmansk Region Entrepreneurship Support Center, together with the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region as part of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurship Initiative".
Business partners of the project are ROSATOM, Olenegorsky Mechanical Plant, Russian Railways, Dobrograd.Campus, InterRAO.
/ Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region /