The "Far Eastern hectare", expanded to the territory of the Arctic, will be available in all municipalities of the Murmansk region. This was announced today during an operational meeting in the government of the region by the Minister of Property Relations Victoria Minkina.
The Federal Center last week adopted amendments to the 119-FZ, which extend the simplified procedure for obtaining land plots, previously tested in the territories of the Far East, to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
So, from August 1, 2021, a program will begin to work to provide a land plot in the Murmansk Region without bidding for a period of 5 years for free use.
At the moment, the government of the Murmansk Region is completing activities within the preparatory stage for the implementation of the program. The main stage is to determine all the zones that will participate in the program. The corresponding bill has already been submitted to the Murmansk Regional Duma and will be considered tomorrow, June 29.
Before being submitted to the Murmansk Regional Duma, the draft law was approved by the Public Council of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic. In addition, the territories are checked by the Federal Federal Register.
As Victoria Minkina explained, the total area of land on which the program will be implemented is a little more than 700 thousand hectares, including 630 thousand hectares of forest fund land, 112 thousand hectares of land that can be used by any type of activity that does not violate the law, including for the construction of capital residential and non-residential facilities. The areas for the implementation of the program are provided in all municipalities. The largest territories are identified in the Kola, Kandalaksha and Kovdorsky districts.
As the Minister of Property Relations stressed, when determining the territories, the main task was to prevent violations of the interests of citizens of the Murmansk Region who have rights to land plots, information about which is not contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, as well as to respect the interests of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Far North in their traditional places of residence. The work was carried out jointly with local self-government bodies.
The Ministry of Property Relations and employees of subordinate institutions conducted a cameral inspection of images of territories, including space ones. The land plots on which real estate objects have been identified have already been partially surveyed using an unmanned aerial vehicle (quadrocopter), the survey of the rest is scheduled for June - July.
In addition, in order to exclude possible disputable or conflict situations, near the territories provided to various partnerships, the Ministry decided to establish a buffer zone.
After the adoption of the law of the Murmansk region, the preparatory stage of the program implementation will continue. It is planned to inform the population about the territories, the procedure and methods of submitting an application for the provision of land plots, as well as training specialists of authorized bodies to work in the program and ensure the provision of land plots to citizens.
Practical training of employees of all relevant departments to work in the Federal Information System has been organized Nadalnyvostok. RF.
Currently, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Murmansk Region has prepared a map of territories, which, after the adoption of the law of the Murmansk Region on the definition of territories, will be posted on the Internet resources of the Government of the Murmansk Region and the portal "Our North".
Documents for the provision of land plots can be submitted without leaving your home on the website Nadalnyvostok. RF. To do this, you must have a confirmed account on the Public Services website. At the same time, the specified portal has an advantage, since the citizen himself can "draw" a land plot on the territory of interest to him, without resorting to the services of specialists – cadastral engineers.
The Minister of Property Relations noted that citizens interested in obtaining land plots can already get acquainted with the website interface Nadalniyvostok.The Russian Federation, where applications for registration of the "Far Eastern Hectare" extended to the territory of the Arctic will be accepted after August 1.
As the governor Andrey Chibis emphasized following the results of the report, it is now very important, firstly, to bring the preparation of the entire regulatory framework to the final, secondly, to explain to people where and how it is possible to issue a hectare, and thirdly, to tell about the rules for using a hectare.
"It is important that people take a responsible approach, understand that it is not just to get land like this, but also to develop economic activities there. Because the "Far Eastern hectare" in the Arctic is not just an opportunity, but also an obligation and responsibility. There are clear deadlines and types of activities for which the land is issued, – said the governor Andrey Chibis.
The head of the region also noted that it is necessary to immediately think over a system for monitoring the fulfillment of obligations for the development of business or economic activity in the territory, and control its use.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /