The result of the joint work carried out by the government and local self-government bodies of the Murmansk region for the first half of 2023 was the confident achievement of the planned indicators of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".
As part of the acceleration of small and medium-sized businesses, the lists of state and municipal property intended for the use of SMEs have been supplemented with 48 objects that entrepreneurs in the region will be able to use for the successful development of their business, and 47 objects have already been transferred to the use of business entities over the same period.
In order to create favorable conditions for the implementation of activities, self-employed citizens can also receive property support within the framework of the national project. This measure has already been used by more than 10 self-employed people in the region.
We remind you that the Government of the Murmansk Region actively supports small and medium–sized businesses, so a special benefit has been introduced in the region for these categories of tenants of state property - in the case of leasing state property that is in unsatisfactory condition. the amount of the annual rent is set at the rate of 1 rub. per 1 sq.m., provided that the potential tenant carries out capital or current repairs. The benefit is established for the period of such repairs, but not for more than three years, and for the remaining period of the lease agreement (after completion of repair work), in order to recoup the costs incurred to bring the object into proper condition, the amount of the annual fee is calculated at the minimum rate.
/ Ministry of Property Relations of the Murmansk region /