The Governor of the Murmansk Region, Andrey Chibis, held a working meeting with Ivan Mikhnov, president of the Antey Group of Companies, one of the largest Russian holdings in the extraction and processing of fish and crab, an active partner of the region in a number of educational, industrial and business projects.
"Thank you for the interaction, a great joint effort in the part of the Professionalism program for our Average Seafarer. We are grateful that "Antey" turned on, as we discussed. The Federation helped to make this happen. Together we will modernize the historical educational institution for the region, which has raised more than one generation of sailors, fishermen, and crab fishermen. This is fundamentally important," Andrei Chibis stressed, addressing Ivan Mikhnov.
In Murmansk, the group of companies is represented by Antey Sever LLC: the owner of 22 vessels involved in crab fishing in the Barents Sea. The company has opened a complex for the storage and transportation of live crab, as well as a workshop for the production of boiled and frozen crab products.
In 2023, Antey Group became a member of the Murmansk Arctic University Accelerator in the field of Foodnet, within the framework of which it is planned to train students in technological entrepreneurship. In addition, the company took an active part in practice-oriented events and excursions within the framework of the All-Russian project of professional orientation of schoolchildren "Ticket to the Future".
"One of the main priorities of our company is active participation in the life of the city and the region. It is important for us not only to create jobs, pay taxes to the local budget, but also to maintain a comfortable urban environment, participate in socially significant and educational projects," Ivan Mikhnov said.
Antey Group has also become an industrial partner of the federal project "Professionalism" at Murmansk Arctic University, the goal is to modernize the system of secondary vocational education in the region. On the basis of the Murmansk Marine Fisheries College named after I.I. Mesyatsev, together with Antey Sever LLC, an educational and production cluster "Arctic Fisheries" will be created. About 150 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes: from the federal and regional budgets, as well as funds from the enterprise. This will make it possible to modernize the material and technical base and the educational and production infrastructure of the MMRC, and improve the quality of personnel training. In particular, the program provides for the re-equipment of 17 facilities: 4 laboratories, 6 simulators, 7 workshops for various types of work, educational spaces. In addition, the company has committed itself to the employment of college graduates and will provide targeted budget places.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk region /