Two teams from the Murmansk Region became participants in Norilsk Nickel's GR-Accelerator program aimed at developing investment projects for small and medium-sized businesses. Today they presented the results of the six-month work. The event was attended by Governor Andrey Chibis.
Welcoming the organizers and participants, the head of the region noted that with the support of President Vladimir Putin, preferential tax regimes have been launched in the Murmansk Region – the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the Territory of Advanced Development "Capital of the Arctic", thanks to which the region is dynamically developing.
"Over the past 4 years, GRP has grown 2.5 times. This is a great victory. The volume of investments actually invested in the development of the economy is 900 billion rubles. We stopped being a subsidized entity and structured the investment portfolio for the next years by more than 1 trillion 200 billion rubles. Global, fundamental decisions were made on the Murmansk transport hub project: in December, we launched a working movement on a new railway line. The start was given by President Vladimir Putin. And the decision on the gasification of the Murmansk region opens up broad prospects," the head of the region listed.
Andrey Chibis stressed that in addition to strategic projects for the country, special attention is paid to small businesses in the Murmansk region.
"Since 2020, we have reduced taxes for small and medium-sized businesses by 6 times. We have one of the most preferential tax regimes in the country: according to the simplified taxation system, small entrepreneurs pay 1% of turnover. Residents of the Russian Arctic who work in our territory and invest more than 1 million rubles, instead of more than 30%, pay social contributions in the amount of 3% – the rest is compensated by the state. Unique conditions have been created for the development of activities. There is a "Governor's start", – said the head of the region.
Andrey Chibis recalled that the region actively cooperates with Norilsk Nickel: over 58 billion rubles have been invested in Monchegorsk in recent years, in the modernization of production, including through a regional special investment contract, in addition, an agreement for 10 billion rubles of additional investments has been signed.
"There are excellent acceleration and support programs for Norilsk Nickel entrepreneurs. This partnership, synergy shows results. Today, interesting, new, creative projects, including those related to the service, are appearing in the Murmansk region. In the Monchegorsk agglomeration and the Pechenga district. This indicates the effectiveness of our work with you. Representatives of PhosAgro, who work in Kirovsk and Apatity, are also present here today. When a company supports at the same time, and an entrepreneur receives a preferential loan or a grant for business development, it turns out to be a decent, good project that changes the quality of life of the population in settlements in the territory of presence," the governor stressed.
The team from the Pechenga district presented 15 investment projects implemented in the municipality and under development. These include a coffee shop, several vehicle maintenance stations, the installation of a stage complex and the organization of a number of cultural events, a modular ice rink, a hotel and sauna complex and others.
The team from Monchegorsk presented a project for the development of the Moncha microdistrict (from ave. 10-14 Lenin Street to 2 Moroshkova Street), which includes the creation of a children's and sports zone, territories for public events, as well as the creation of services for citizens: food, entertainment, useful leisure. The project will cover target groups from children to people of silver age, and project financing mechanisms will be worked out in detail, including in terms of initiative budgeting and private investment.
"Within the framework of the program, a methodology for supporting investment projects on the principle of "one window" was worked out, algorithms for identifying and eliminating administrative barriers in the implementation of investment projects by SMEs were developed, algorithms for using initiative budgeting to finance infrastructure facilities were worked out. The implementation of these projects with a total investment of more than 300 million rubles will significantly improve the quality of life of residents of the city of Monchegorsk and Pechenga district, and the enhanced interaction of entrepreneurs and representatives of municipal and regional authorities led to an acceleration of their preparation, shortening the time for obtaining permits and symbolized the entry of projects into the stage of rapid implementation," said Dmitry Bogdanov, Vice- President of the Business School of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, head of the acceleration program.
"In addition to large, large-scale projects, it is fundamentally important to create an environment for the growth of small and medium-sized businesses. This is our quality of life. This is an environment where a person can receive a service, a product, after leaving work and going somewhere on the weekend. This is an opportunity for self-realization for those people who take responsibility and become an entrepreneur. They take risks and do it, creating new jobs and changing the world around them for the better. Thank you so much for the partnership, colleagues, I am sure that we will continue to move in this way," Governor Andrei Chibis said in conclusion.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /