Incentives for residents of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, regional tax incentives for business, finally, preferential treatment for residents of TOR itself the "Capital of the Arctic" – all acting in the complex, is an active investor interest in the priority development areas, said the Governor of the Murmansk region Andrey lapwing during the meeting of the Supervisory Board TOR.
"Since the last meeting of the Supervisory Board, we have two more residents-the Renaissance Arctic plant for the production of structures for NOVATEK and the Udarnik fish terminal of Norebo. Interest in the territory of advanced development is growing, and we are preparing a set of projects together with the development Corporation, the management company, and other investors. And we see a positive dynamics of investment, " the head of the region said.
According to Andrey Chibis, the administration of Murmansk has formed a special land tax regime for residents of the TOP " Capital of the Arctic, in the near future the same decision should be made by the Kola district. Thus, municipal benefits will also be added to regional benefits.
"This completes the circle of adjustment of the regulatory framework aimed at creating the necessary incentives to increase investment activity. The entire package of special conditions for investment within the territory of advanced development has actually been earned to date. And this is a good signal to invest in the Murmansk region "here and now", - said the Governor.
Now the main task, according to Andrey Chibis, is to provide infrastructure support for projects that are being implemented and planned for implementation on the Western shore of the Kola Bay. In particular, the Governor recalled that the construction of the railway line within the framework of the project of integrated development of the Murmansk transport hub is continuing. The new construction customer is Russian Railways.
In turn, the region's goal is to provide projects on the West Bank of the Gulf with energy capacity, taking into account the development prospects.
For reference:
Currently, the TOP "Capital of the Arctic" has three active residents: NOVATEK-Murmansk LLC with the project Of the center for the construction of large – capacity marine structures (CSCMS); NOVATEK's contractor – Renaissance Arctic LLC with the project for the production of metal structures for CSCMS; and Udarnik Terminal LLC-the project of the Norebo fish refrigerator terminal.
Ready to become a resident: LLC "commercial Sea port Lavna" with the project "construction of a transshipment complex of coal in trading sea port Lavna on the Western shore of the Kola Bay"; - LLC "Sea Terminal Tuloma" the construction plans at the seaport of Murmansk specialized terminal for mineral fertilizers and Apatite concentrate; and "Cultural-business centre "Murmansk" with the project of renovation of the port areas in Murmansk.
There are plans to include a number of other companies in the top, such as JSC "Murmansk commercial sea port" with a project to create a roadside transshipment complex and JSC "Arkmineral-Resource" with a project to develop the Afrikandovsky perovskite-titanomagnetite ore Deposit.