29 June 2020 by the Ministry of investment, entrepreneurship development and fisheries of the Murmansk region carried out the first stage of the competitive selection of the peasant (farm) for providing the grant "Agrostat".
For the competitive selection received 4 bids. Following consideration of the submitted documents, the regional competitive Commission on selection of projects of creation and (or) development of peasant (farm) (hereinafter - Commission) adopted a decision on non-admission to participate in the second stage of the competition applicants:
- Kochetkova S. Y. in accordance with clause 1.3 of the Order, approved by decree of the Government of the Murmansk region from 29.05.2019 No. 268-PP "On the grant "Agroterra" (hereinafter - the Order);
Of levshenko R. A. in accordance with paragraph 1.7.7 Order;
Razlivaev D. A. in accordance with paragraph 1.7.7 Order;
- Chuprov P. F. in accordance with item 2.3 of the Order.
The Commission decided to declare the tender invalid.
Source: https://mirp.gov-murman.ru