The Minister of Education and Science of the Murmansk Region, Diana Kuznetsova, appreciated the lessons on investment potential that the Murmansk Region Development Corporation launched in June
Investment lessons are conducted for children starting from the 8th grade. Often at this age, teenagers are already beginning to think about who they will become in life and information about which jobs will appear in the region in the next 5-10 years is important for determining the future profession, according to the Development Corporation. In a few weeks, classes were attended by almost 200 schoolchildren from all over the region, vacationing at the center for civic and patriotic education "In the North – to live". Diana Kuznetsova took part in one of the investment lessons and together with the guys from BUT Vidyaevo, Lovozersky district and Kovdorsky district took a quiz on knowledge of the Arctic, some of the tasks for which were invented using a neural network.
"To love your small homeland means to be proud of it. At such lessons, children will learn about the largest projects in the region, about its development, which continues to accelerate, about the prospects of life and work in the Arctic, about how much this territory means to the country. All this is an integral part of patriotic education, and I am sure that such information, presented in an interesting and accessible way, will be useful to our children when choosing a professional path," said Diana Kuznetsova
During the lesson, the children were told what attracts the Murmansk Region today: why more and more young specialists and tourists come to the Arctic, and large companies implement their ambitious projects here. Also, in the quiz format, the children learned about promising industries that are developing in the region. Third-year students of the Murmansk Arctic University, who are undergoing an internship at the Development Corporation this summer, help teach the lessons. It is planned that from September such lessons will be held for everyone.