As part of the operational meeting of Governor Andrey Chibis, the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the Murmansk Region, Marta Govor, presented reporting information prepared on the basis of her annual report on activities in 2023 and for the period up to March 1, 2024. Earlier, the report was presented at the next meeting of the Murmansk Regional Duma, where it was adopted by deputies unanimously.
The Ombudsman summed up the overall results of the work of the Institute for State Protection of Business over the past period, reported on the situation in the field of entrepreneurship in the region, the main appeals, systemic and private business problems. So, since November 2023, more than 130 business entities have asked for help from Martha Govor. In all cases, the applicants were provided with support, including consulting. More than 80 appeals have already been resolved in favor of entrepreneurs.
"Work is underway in three key areas – protection of business law, work with systemic and private business difficulties and educational work, including in terms of creating a favorable business climate in the Murmansk region," said Marta Govor.
In her work, the Ombudsman actively interacted with local governments, public authorities, and also relied on public support.
The Commissioner stressed that both at joint events with investment commissioners and in a working manner, through dialogue with business, solutions are being sought for entrepreneurs, information is being provided on the state of the business environment and state support measures, and entrepreneurs are provided with advisory assistance.
Thanks to the analytical work of the Commissioner, amendments have been made to a number of regulatory legal acts at various levels. For example, changes were made to the procedure, excluding provisions from it, providing for the impossibility of establishing the calculated amount of annual rent per 1 square meter below the minimum annual rent rate per 1 square meter for the current financial year.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk region according to the information of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Murmansk region /