On April 15, 2024, the acceptance of documents for participation in the competitive selection for the provision of subsidies of up to 1 million rubles from the regional budget to the subjects of the tourism industry of the Murmansk region operating in the field of domestic and inbound tourism will begin.
The purpose of the subsidy is to support entrepreneurs who are ready to improve the quality and develop cultural and educational tourism in the region. In total, 4 million rubles have been allocated from the regional budget.
With the help of subsidies, financial costs can be provided for the implementation of cultural and educational tourism projects, including for equipping museum expositions, art spaces, theme parks and souvenir sales points.
You can apply for the competition until May 15, 2024.
Detailed information is available on the official website of the Murmansk Region Tourism Committee. You can also contact the committee by phone: 8 (8152) 486-917, 8 (8152) 486-018, 8 (8152) 486-275.
/ Murmansk Region Tourism Committee /