Among the main results in 2022 are participation in the implementation of socially important projects, presentation of promising investment projects of the Murmansk region at the Russian PPP Week in Moscow and work on the creation of infrastructure for residents of the TOP "Capital of the Arctic".
In 2022, the number of projects supported by the Development Corporation increased by two dozen. Today, specialists are conducting more than 90 projects totaling more than 437 billion rubles.. First of all, these are development projects, the implementation of which contributes to increasing the tax base of the region, creating qualified jobs and positively affecting the quality of life of Northerners. These are logistics projects for the development of the Northern Sea Route and the port of Murmansk, projects in the mining industry, aquaculture, as well as tourism, IT, development and services.
"This year, the Development Corporation has concluded about 20 cooperation agreements with investors, became a co-founder of Atlas-Lovozero to implement a project in the field of roadside service in Lovozero. This is not the first time when the Corporation acts as a co-investor in projects important for entire settlements. According to the principle of project financing, a fish processing plant was built on the Tersk coast of the Kola Peninsula in 2021, and even earlier - a new cable car for the ski slope in Kirovsk," said Acting General Director Artem Kuksa.
Together with the team of the supervising ministry – Arctic Development and Economy, the regional government under the leadership of Governor Andrey Chibis, the Corporation participates in the creation of infrastructure for investment projects that will be included in the TOP “Capital of the Arctic” on the western shore of the Kola Bay. Now the first stage of construction of the water supply system is being completed. The main financial decisions have also been made for the power supply of the West bank: 4.2 billion rubles have been allocated to the Murmansk Region under the state program.
In 2022, Monchegorsk hosted the Arctic Investor Day, which for the first time brought together representatives of almost all Arctic regions, as well as investors from other subjects of the Russian Federation. At the Russian PPP Week in Moscow, promising investment projects of the Murmansk Region were presented to potential investors. Among them are the Arctic water park, sports and recreation complexes and hotels. Negotiations with investors are underway on a number of submitted projects based on the results of the roadshow. The Development Corporation also supports the investment portal of the Murmansk region, which, according to experts, entered the top ten in the country in 2022.
The Development Corporation tells about the implementation of investment projects in the telegram channel “InvestMurman” and in the VKontakte group.
For reference:
On December 18, 2022, the Murmansk Region Development Corporation turned 9 years old. It was formed by the government of the region as a separate structure to attract investment and support investors. Since 2019, by the decision of Governor Andrey Chibis, the Corporation has been endowed with the functions of a specialized organization authorized to interact with investors on behalf of the government of the Murmansk Region in a “one-stop shop” mode. The decision was timely, as the federal law on the inclusion of the entire territory of the Arctic into a special economic zone subsequently came into force, which had a strong impact on the development of the investment climate of the Murmansk region. Since then, the Arctic has steadily strengthened its position in the National Investment Climate Rating, rising from 56th to 16th place by 2022.
/Government of the Murmansk Region/