"Investments and Development" is a series of joint publications by RBC journalists and experts of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation dedicated to promising investment projects that can be implemented in the Arctic with the support of the region's investment team.
In fact, each article is a ready—made offer for investment in the dynamically developing Arctic region. With the information necessary for potential investors to make a decision to contact the Development Corporation for further development of the project. In addition, the publications contain comments from federal and regional experts, relevant analytics and information on state support in case of project implementation in the Murmansk Region. What is important, readers of publications will be not only local business representatives interested in expanding their fields of activity, but also external readers - thanks to the wide announcement of publications throughout the country.
"The investment team of the Murmansk Region government regularly develops proposals for investors based on an understanding of the needs of the region and the strategic plan "To live in the North!". This special project in a compressed format reflects the results of the daily work of specialists, so for us it is, first of all, an opportunity to make information about promising projects more accessible to partners," according to the Development Corporation and the Government of the Murmansk Region.
At the moment, investment offers in the field of tourism and sports are available on the RBC website.
Recall that today the Murmansk Region is a dynamically developing Arctic region. Over four years, the growth of investments amounted to about 900 billion rubles, and the growth rate of investments in fixed assets amounted to 116%, which corresponds to the second place in the North-Western Federal District. For business in the region, there are two unique special tax and administrative benefits – the Russian Arctic and the TOP "Capital of the Arctic". At the moment, these types of support in the Murmansk region are used by more than 200 residents.
You can contact the Development Corporation for more detailed information through the direct line of the Investment Portal of the Murmansk region