Today, on December 18, a specialized organization for working with investors, the Murmansk Region Development Corporation, celebrates its tenth anniversary. During an operational meeting in the regional government, Governor Andrei Chibis congratulated the organization's employees on the holiday.
"The corporation was established and operates within the framework of the regional investment standard. Today, its employees support more than 120 projects with a total investment of 550 billion rubles. This year, the National Association of Investment Development Agencies named the Development Corporation among the most effective regional development agencies. According to experts, the organization is in the highest group "A" in terms of the quality of investor support," Andrei Chibis said and noted that on December 22, on the Day of the Arctic Investor and the Day of the Murmansk Region at the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia" New investment sites will be presented.
Since 2019, the agency has been entitled to represent the government of the Murmansk Region in interaction with investors. In the same year, a PPP Center was established on the basis of the Corporation. Since then, the Corporation's portfolio has been steadily growing.
The corporation not only helps companies, but also acts as a co-investor in a number of socially important projects. So, this autumn, together with a private investor, a multifunctional gas station complex in Lovozero was launched. This helped to solve the long-standing problem of inaccessibility of fuel for villagers and motorists.
In the future, the Corporation plans to continue to support and implement projects aimed at developing the most important sectors of the Arctic economy and improving the quality of life of Northerners, paying special attention to helping local entrepreneurs who plan to implement their business ideas in the Murmansk region, including using government support measures.
Thus, the first Arctic concession in the region was recently concluded. With the help of this federal support measure, a sports and recreation complex with curling and playgrounds for game sports will be built in Murmansk.
"I regularly receive feedback from our investor partners on the clarity and quality of working out the tasks that the Corporation faces to increase investments in the region. I want to thank the employees and management of the corporation for their work and I am sure that every year there will be more and more important projects for the North," the head of the region said.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /